Tuesday 22 March 2011

Clash of The Sky Galleons

'Clash of The Sky Galleons' is a book written by Chris Riddel and Paul Stewart. I read this book over the Christmas holidays. It is the ninth book in the series. It is about a 14 year old boy named Quint. It is set in a seperate world name 'The Edge'. I thought that this book could have been a lot better than it was since I don't think that it compared to the rest of the series. The book tended to drag on quite a bit about irrelevant things that have nothing to do with the plot. I thought that when I got to the main part of the book, I thought that it was another irrelevant bit and rushed through it meaning that I didn't enjoy it quite as much as I could have. Thank you for reading.
By Joe Ingram


it's about a 10yr old called felix who lives in and orphanage in poland. he finds a carrot in his soup which he interprets as a sign from his parents. he runs away and does lots of things whilst looking for his parents. such as saving a girl named zelda from a burning bhouse and other suimilar things. every chapter starts with once.e.g once i saved a girl called zelda from a house.
i thought that for its type of book it was very good. i just don't like that genre of reading. 

seb harwood


gone is about a boy called Sam, one day everyone over the age of 14 disapears in Perido Beach all the kids are left confused. They then realise that there is a wall going all around them about 20 miles in diameter they then come up with lots of crazy ideas about what happened, and in the centre there is the power plant . Then they realise that some of the children have been developing 'mutant' powers Sam for example can shoot light out of his hands, there is a school called Coates academy and a boy called Caine comes down to Perido beach and he tries to restore order and create laws etc.. but he turns bad and then a war starts Perido beach against Coates academy.

Harry Smith

A Gathering Light

A Gathering Light, by Jennifer Donnelly, is set at the begining of the twentiest century and is based partially on a true story. The main character is a girl called Mattie and she is seventeen, she is a farming girl who's mother died a few years ago and her brother has left them for reasons that are unclear. She has to cook meals for her younger sisters and father and has to help with farming work like ploughing which is a man's job. What she really wants to do is go to colledge and become a writer which she is encouraged to do by her teacher and  closest friends. At the beginning of the book she wants to get a job at the Glenmore hotel in the north woods not far from where she lives, her father says no, she gets a job there for other reasons in the end and that's where the story begins. A couple of weeks after she gets a job a woman who is staying at the hotel drowns in the lake by the hotel while out boating with a man. Before this happens the woman had given Mattie some letters with instructions to burns them and Mattie discovers the truth about her death. The book flits between the one night in which Mattie is reading her letters and the year's worth of backstory about why Mattie is there and her other problems. I thought that it wasn't a bad book but it is more of a girls book than a boys. It is quite grown up and so I would recommend it to 12 year olds and over.

By Kit Livsey

Monday 21 March 2011

The curious incident of the dog in the night time

By Mark Haddon. the book is about a boy called christopher, he is 15 and he has Aspergers syndrome, his mother died about 1or 2 years ago and thinks that she died of a heart attack. He knows alot about math and physics and very little about humans. he hates colours yellow and brown, and people touching him. one day he findes a dog in a garde , with a pitch fork in it. christopher the goes on a journey to find out who killed the dog, but on his way he findes out some very strange things witch you would not expect. I like this book very much because it is different from all the other books, I also think it is a good book because you can never tell what is going to happen.

Monday 14 March 2011

Then by Morris Gleitzman

Then is the sequel of Once, which is about a Jewish boy, Felix and a girl named Zelda.
Then is a story of relationships and conflict, a child's book and a horrific tale. Then is very strange as a result of this. Morris Gleitzman has captured the terrible picture of war whilst also writing a tale of families and friends.
It is amazing how it can be the most light hearted children's book at one moment but in an instant it can change to
a book of revenge and horror.
Felix and Zelda are taken in to hiding by a women named Genia who is a very kind person.
I think that the Guardians review, " Haunting...dangerous and desperate but also full of courage and hope" really says it all. This book is not really an action book but it is a must read book. I usually read action books but I think this book has changed the way I will read.Quite simply it is my favorite book and everyone must read it.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Across The Nightingale Floor

Across the nightingale floor is a book by Lian Hearn.It is about a child called Tomasu.It does not directly refer to the time but it seems asthough it is set during the 1500's in Japan.The book starts with Tomasu going out to the forest looking for food etc and when he comes back he finds his whole clan(The Hidden) has been slaughtered by the Tohan .When he enters the village Lord Iida approaches him and lunges at tomasu with his sword.Tomasu Dives awayu and Lord Iida falls to the ground.Infuriated he orders two of his men to chase and kill tomasu.When he gets into the forest he is grabbed by a man. He thinks that he is about to be killed The man defends him killing one and taking the arm of the other. Tomasu finds out the man is called Lord Otori.He takes tomasu home and renames him Takeo because it is not a Hidden name.Takeo does not speak for a while because of shock but in this time he finds out a lot of things about himself,such as the fact that he is a member of a clan of assasins.Near the end of the book lord Otori goes with takeo on a quest of some sort to take revenge on lord Iida.During this time there are twists that you don't expect wich makes it an exciting read.It is a long book and it took me a while to get into it but when you do get far in the book is a very exciting powerful book and I would give it 9/10

Monday 7 March 2011

Nothing but the truth - by AVI

Nothing but the truth is a novel about a boy called Philip Malloy, is a ninth-grader at Harrison High School in Harrison, New Hampshire who is obsessed by the Track.  He has a long-standing grudge with his english teacher Miss Narwin (Margaret Narwin to her friends).  His grades are average generally, when he gets a D in english for rude and obnoxious behaviour, he cannot make the track team, but he decides not to tell his parents as he thinks they may be angry.  Shortly after this he gets moved to Miss Narwin's homeroom, where at the start of the day when the national anthem is being played he hums along, upon this he is asked to stop, and when he does not he is sent to the Principal's office, the same thing happens for a number of days before Philip is suspended.  His parents only hearing about the situation when Philip is suspended,  Philips father takes this very seriously and talks to their neighbour Ted Griffin, who is on the school board, when they go over there is a journalist there who asks if she can print the story and does.  From this point the situation escalates and escalates until it becomes a national issue.
I really liked this book because although a very simple plot was actually quite detailed and gave lots of opinions, but can show how by you doing something wrong and telling someone it  can get out of hand.


Not the end of the world by grenadine McCaughrean

This book recreates the story telling of Noah's ark, it also explains some of the probLlems that they could of had and tells it in a way that they do have these problems and how they solve they.one of these examples were how the boat was made of wood sO how and where did the keep termites.
I found this book very confusing and I didn't understand it at first. One of of the things I ask myself is where did Noah keep the woodpecker on the wooden boat??
Couple of odd thing happen like weirdos hanging on to the back of the boat or in another small boat getting pulled by the big one.
With in the family there are problems like how some people like other people and they hide the people who the think are there friends.



The Morning Gift

The Morning Gift is written by Eva Ibbotson and is about a girl called Ruth Berger who lives with her family in Austria. Her family is partly Jewish and decide to flee Austria, and escape to England. They send Ruth on ahead, but leave her behind when they flee and do not realise that she has not been allowed out of Austria.
       Her only hope rests in an old family friend, Quinton Somerville. Her only way of earning a visa to escape Austria and be reunited with her fiance Heini, is to marry Quin and earn a joint passport and divorce as soon as she gains British Citizenship. But when the annulment takes longer than expected, and Ruth ends up at the university with Quin as her lecturer, her feelings for him take her by surprise and she begins to think that maybe Heini isn't her beloved one afterall.
       I did not enjoy this book as it wasn't my type of thing and all of her books are the same. I would recommend it to older girls, who are girly girls.

By Matilda Martin


Bloodline is a good book based in the years when England was still in seperate Kingdoms and is about a boy who is the son of a travler. When the kingdom they live in is unxder attact and Essa has to stop it!
  It is good for ages above 5 I would say and for both genders.