Sunday 8 May 2011

The Declaration by Gemma Malley

This book is about a 15 year old girl called Anna, a new drug has been created called longeivety this drug means you can never die of old age or diseases but you can die for example if you were shot, if you take the drugs you are not allowed to have any children, you can choose to 'opt out' which means you do not take the drugs and you are allowed to have children, if you do not 'opt out' and have children those children are illegal and will be put in a surplus hall and made to work for the duration of there lives, the parents go to jail and the illegal child is a called a surplus. Anna is a surplus and she has been in the surplus hall for years, in these halls the surplus's are taught that mother nature hates them and that they have to repay mother nature for being illegal by working. Anna does not know her parents but they are in a group called the underground movement and they fight against these drugs saying it is wrong to live forever.
A new surplus has joined the surplus hall recently called Peter, Peter claims to know Anna's parents and they start planning an escape plan to get out of the makeshift prisons called 'surplus halls', they know of a tunnel out and escape but they are not free yet and Peter finds out who his parents really are...

I really enjoyed this book because although the cover is a butterfly i think that boys and girls will enjoy it i reccomend this book to all and i will definetley be reading the sequel 'The Resistance'. By Harry Smith

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