Thursday 20 October 2011

The Escape, Henderson Boys Robert Muchamore

The escape is a great action book set with a family and an orphan boy.
The family are the Clarks there is the father and his two children Rose and Paul . The orphans boy is called Marc.
The escape is set in World War 2 and the orphanige gets bombed and Marc escapes on the orphaniges leader bike and steals some money and food. Marc is alone to wonder to the South of France.
Theres soo many important stuff i could say but it would be revieling it.
I will say a few things. Mr.Clarke is a spy that his kids dont know about and its a big change suddenly for the kids.
Germany are taking over Paris and thats why everyone goes South.
Will Marc and the Clarkes get to Soth-end France or will they get crushed by the Germans
There is alot of twists and turns which makes this book so good.
Its the first of the series.

I rate it 9/10 i recommend it mostly to boys.


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