Sunday 16 October 2011

A Puppy Called Aero by Liam Creed.(Autobiography)

A Puppy called Aero is an Autobiography about Liam(The Author) When he was a young boy of about 4 years old his mother saw him in the garden pulling up all of the flowers in the flower bed. Since then he has been a troubled littly boy. He did not do as he was told, he would bully his older brother Matt, he would want all the attention and could not sit still. His mother tried so hard to find out what was wrong with him, because normally young boys will grow out of the naughty stage. All the doctors would not listen to him and he could not explain what he was going through.
His mum was doing some research on the computer to see if she could find something that matched Liam's problems and she came across ADHD. All the symtoms were the same, She took him to a doctor. This doctor was different from all the rest, he actually listened to Liam and asked his questions. He knew straight away that it was ADHD. Liam was then diagnosed with ADHD. That gave him some pills that would calm him down.And it worked. One thing that his mum noticed when she was looking on the internet it said that all the people with ADHD had a WOW FACTOR! When Liam's younger sister was born they realized what it was.He loved baby's and pets. He was so calm around them and so gentle. He especially likes changing her nappies and later on in the book you will see that he likes clearing dog poo.
At School he was a nuisance  and wanted all the attention. he never made friends because he would be so rude to them. But one day the headmaster asked Liam to his office which normally means a telling off but when he got in there he had something else to say.He wants to tell Liam about a project that Canine Partners was doing to help children with problems. They were to train dogs to help people in a wheelchair. Liam was 15 at the time and was not very sociable with other kids his age, especially girls.
When he got on the bus for the first day at Canine Partners . On the bus was 3 girls and a boy at the back on the bus. The boy is called Rob and was very interested to know everything about Liam. Liam did not know what was the problem with him. By the end of the bus journey through the country side he realized that Robs nickname is the volcano and Liam experience it at the end of the journey.
The leader of the project was called Nina from Australia. All the kids were introduced  to the dogs and Liam's dog is called Aero, a Labrodor Retriever . Their first task was to try to put the lead on the dog, This was harder then they all thought.The next task was to make the dog open the washing Machine and to answer the phone etc.... All the children didn't understand how this will effect them and how important it is to the disabled they are helping .
They all found it hard to socialise with each other, all the girls teased Liam about he moustache and Liam could not cope.
Liam's WOW FACTOR is pets and babies so he made a special bond with Aero. Aero started to trust and listen to Liam. They started to do the tasks very well. Nina was very impressed with Liam as they made great progress.
One day Rob and Liam were sent to London to see a Lady called Eileen who is in a wheelchair and has a dog from Canine Partners to help her. Liam was very excited to go to London because he had never been before.
When they got there they were overwhelmed by the tricks the dog 'Sailor' was doing. After this trip to London Liam was determined that he was going to make Aero the best dog for the person he was going to help. Aero and Liam were making even more progress.
The other problem with Liam was that he could not talk to girls, there was a girl in the corner shop on the way to school that Liam really likes. One day he plucked up the courage to talk to her.The start did not go well but he was not going to give up. They did end up going out with each other. Her name is Leanne and she loved dogs.They were perfect for each other.
Everyone could see a massive change in Liam, he was polite, listens to people and respects other people.

The big day has arrived, they have to show everyone all the tricks they have learnt it in the time at Canine Partners . Liam was so scared, he did not want to let anyone down especially Areo. (I won't tell you what happened)
Now the day came to say goodbye to Aero. Liam could not cope, they had made a special bond and Aero had saved him.
The end of the book made me cry, This book I would give a 10/10
Mairi Donaldson.

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