Wednesday 19 October 2011

Michael McIntyre Life and Laughing

This book is a very honest and very funny autobiography about Michael's life. His Dad was a comedian and when his Mum was pregnant a fortune teller told her that she was going to have a very successful son and that she felt like she was the virgin Mary, carrying a special son. His Dad was Canadian and his Mum was Hungarian. Michael's Granny has a really funny accent and threatens people with cutting them out of her will, or as she says 'vill'. Michael's Mum and Dad knew Kenny Everett (who was a big TV star in the eighties). And everyone at his primary school thought that Kenny Everett was his Dad, until it came to the parents sports day, Michael went form the most popular kid in school to the most unpopular kid in school. But when Michael was 12 his parents go a divorce and his Mum married a bulider and his Dad married an Amercian girl. On the whole I thought that this book was very fun to read and would recommend it to people who like comedy and autobioghraphys, I would give this 9/10.


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