Tuesday 18 January 2011


1984, by George Orwell was published in 1948 and is about what Orwell thought the world would be like in 1984, thwe world is split into three continents. The main charachter lives in Oceana, where there is a dictatorship ruled by this worshipped figure called Big Brother, the head of the english socialism party usually just reffered to as the party. There is Doublethink, which is the ability to hold two contradicting thoughts, newspeak which is the language that the world uses which is basically a much more limeted version of english, which the party gives out to limit the thoughts of the proles which are the poor people that make up 80% of the population. There is also the thought police, which can read peoples thoughts by their faces and if any one has any thoughts against the party, they make them falsely confess and then brutally murder them. The whole world lives in fear. Winston is in his late thirties and works fore nthe party editing documents that say the wrong thing and make the party look wrong. He is using doublethink and loivers and hates the party. He then fi0nds a woman thsatc agrees with him and they love eachother and have an interesting relationship.

It is written really well and i would recomend it to someone like maybe kit.

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