Monday 17 January 2011


Amazing. I was glued to this book although a bit slow getting going it soon picked up the pace. Very interesting in that it makes you think about the goings on described in the book.  It could be true or a pack of lies. I say this because Guantanamo Bay is real and was used as a prison. The things that they did to the prisoners could be true or false. The book's blurb is very powerful - "Innocent until proven guilty? Not here you're not".  This again could be true or false. Khalid is the main character and is brilliantly described by the author, so much so you feel like you are there with him. The book describes everything very well. So you really get a sense of the people and the place. I found it really interesting because he grows up during the course of the book. His description of the soldiers is sometimes comical. This book is a great read and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I would reccomend to 11+ because of  the content. It left me feeling quite humble.


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