Thursday 6 January 2011

Turbulence - alternative last chapter - By Zach Burrage.

Every day for a year I cycled down Addington Road, put a copy of The Times in the very low, small letterbox in 103 and then looked at 107 to see any signs of social life creeping back into existance. I had put the events of the past couple of weeks behind me, even though it still lasted in the neighbourhood for some time. When you saw to middle-aged women talking, half the time the chat would be about Sandor Harker:

Mum: Do you remember that Sandor Harker and his second divorce?

Penny: (hesitantly) Yes, that was such a fumble, he was such a jerk!

Mum: (agreeing) Yeah, he was so mean to Ali!(Even though both women had had inevitable crushes on Sandor at the time).

I still remember one day where I lokked up on the overhanging balcony of 107 and saw a very young girl half naked in the bedroom. She went away and then Sandor himself was at the window, waving to me. I nearly forgot to wave back because of the shock of seeing him so 'in it' after seeming to be depressed after Ali left him.
Time after time I visited Gran in her old citizens home, watching 'Zombie VS Werewolf', or 'Ali G- Alien style'.
Once I got back home to find the massive plate-ornament-china-thingy from the front room gone and Rosie cowaring under the stares. Burgulars had been striking all over town and they had finally come to us. Rosie told me that as soon as she heard banging against the door, she hid and prayed that the so called 'Pheadophiles' wouldn't find her. This sparked yet another row in our family- 'who put the idea of pheadophiles into Rosie's head, Jamze!!!' But the main thing was that Sandor Harker was now out of our lives, more or less, living the bed life with his partner Kerry down Addington Road at number 107, phone number 07500316394, and working at DDI next to Mum at the tills.(Like I said, more or less out of our lives.)

Now, 20 years on, you'll never believe where we all are now, not.

Me- Raising a family with my husband Jerry.

Mum- In the house, lazing about all day.

Dad- Watching westerns and working two shifts at MacDonalds.

Jamze-Jail after multiple drug abuse and alchol abuse.

Rosie- Studying law at Uni, the only subject siuted to her hobby, raising arguments.

and finally...


Just ordinary me in my unordinary world, taking the kids to school, washing up, thinking of everyday things and what next crime Jamze will pull to get put in jail for the 15th time.

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