Sunday 16 January 2011

The Lost World - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Lost World is quite an old fashioned book, written in the 1900's. The story starts with Edward Malone trying to charm his friend Gladys in to dating him, but she tells him that he's a very decent chap but lacks any excitement.
Edward works for the "Daily Gazette" newspaper as a journalist and his boss, Mr. McArdle, asks him to find out about Professor Challenger, a zoologist, known for his violence and lying. Edward rises to the challenge. He attends one of Prof. Challengers lectures and ends up being selected to go on a trip with him to the Amazon along with Lord John Roxton, a very athletic man.
After a number of meetings, Prof.Challenger, Prof.Summerlee, Lord Roxton and Edward set off on a liner to Brazil. They travel by canoe through the jungle and have many adventures. Their aim is to reach the plateau, which is difficult but they manage to do so by climing a pinnacle and felling a tree. However, one of the helpers then dislodges the tree and they are stranded!
They have many adventures on the plateau, running away from enormous Iguanadoms(dinosaurs), attacked by pterodactyls and chased by half humans! The plateau is also home to a volcano. They all find this very exciting because they are explorers, but they come close to death on many occasions.They discover a number of new animals and Edward keeps a diary. Their aim now is to escape from the plateau alive and show the evidence of the creatures they have found to the other Professors. They ape men help them escape from one of their caves.
They return as heroes and Professor Challenger gives a lecture on their findings. At first no one is convinced of their findings but then Edward produces a pterodactyl which he captured from the Lost World and everyone cheers!
Edward rushes to see Gladys, but she is now married to a boring man. The story ends with the four explorers having dinner and Lord Roxton produces a valuable diamond which he found in the volcano. They have dicovered a massive fortune, which only the four of them know about.

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